Why do we need freedom?
July 3 - July 7, 2023 | Always Peachy Devotionals | Freedom in Christ Week 1
Have you ever found something in a closet and wondered why on earth you have it?
I’m in the process of purging everything I own. I moved back to the farm in December, and before I left the city I already knew I had too much stuff. So I’ve started the long drudgery of sorting through all my junk and deciding if it’s essential or superfluous.
Sometimes I worry that’s how I look at my freedom in Christ. I have freedom of religion here in America (for the most part, at least for a little while longer), so that means I can practice my faith without fear of repercussions (technically speaking). But do I treat my freedom in Christ like freedom of religion? Is that even the same thing?
Or has my freedom in Christ become like that garage sale trinket hidden in a box in my closet that I don’t even remember buying?
The month of July is all about fireworks and cookouts and talking about the Declaration of Independence (although many people don’t even know what it is or what it says anymore), but for us here in this little safe spot on the internet, we’re going to be talking about freedom in Christ. And that is SO MUCH BETTER than just being free to talk about your faith in public.
The questions we’re going to tackle throughout the month of July are focused on freedom and what it means: Why do we need freedom? What did Jesus free us from? What does it mean to be free? And does freedom mean I can do whatever I want?
All important. All vital questions we ought to be asking ourselves about what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. Because if the only reason for Jesus to die was to give us an eternal home in heaven, that would have been enough. But that’s not the only reason. Jesus didn’t just die to give us freedom from eternal separation from God; He died to give us access to God’s blessings and abundance and peace while we are alive on earth.
And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to leave anything God has given me on the table. So this week we’re going to focus on why we need freedom. That might sound like an obvious question, but for us to understand what freedom in Christ actually is, first we have to understand why we need it so badly.
July 3 - God has good news for us
July 4 - God adopted us
July 5 - God wants you to serve Him
July 6 - God wants to set Creation free too
July 7 - God’s freedom is abundant living
It’s going to be a great week of learning why God’s freedom is so different from what the world calls freedom. I can’t wait to get started. Our memory verse for this week is also a classic. It’s Romans 8:2.
Freedom from sin. Freedom from death. We were all born in bondage, my friends. We were born under a curse that none of us were able to break. That’s why God broke it for us—at great cost.
But we don’t have to wait for eternity to live a victorious life. We have the power to live triumphantly now. We are free to live—to truly live. So let’s start living like we believe that.
Have a very happy Fourth of July this week. Be careful, okay? And remember the real reason why we are celebrating.
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