What should we expect?
August 8 - August 12, 2022 | Always Peachy Devotionals | Expectations Week 2
Happy Sunday, friends!
How is your August going? I hope it’s not too hot and that you’re soaking up the sunshine! School will be back in session before you know it, and it won’t be long after that when the trees start turning colors.
Have you been enjoying this conversation about the expectations we should have in our relationship with Jesus? It’s meant a lot to me. By the way, you guys know that I’m learning this stuff too, right? I don’t share anything in these devotionals that God didn’t have to teach me first. And I’m not a graceful learner. He has to drag me kicking and screaming through most of it, so I pray that the way He’s taught me will help all of you in some way!
We’re going to continue chatting about our expectations, but this week we’re going to focus on what we should expect. Not just from God, but from other people and from ourselves too:
August 8 - Who can expect things from God
August 9 - Who shouldn't expect things from God
August 10 - What you can expect from people
August 11 - What you can expect from yourself
August 12 - What you can expect from God
It’s going to be a great week, and I can’t wait to dig into some of these verses. I pray they will be an encouragement to you!
For our memory verse this week, I stumbled across Psalm 33:22 in a daily reading. It made me so happy, so I thought that it might be a bright spot for us this week:
I love the truth of that statement. “Our hope is in you alone.” If you can say that truthfully today, you are blessed, my friend. This is one of those verses that would be great to carry around all day. I may write it out and do just that!
I’m praying for each and every one of you this week, that God will show Himself to you in a way you can’t ignore. My honest hope is that He will speak to you through these words and demonstrate to you that you CAN trust Him. That you are free to expect great things from Him. That He wants to bless you beyond what you can imagine. It just has to be His way.
Love to you all,
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