What does it mean to be free?
July 17 - June 21, 2023 | Always Peachy Devotionals | Freedom in Christ Week 3
How are you enjoying summer?
Here in Kansas, summer has hit some high notes, that’s for sure. To the tune of triple digits. But then, to be fair, we hit those triple digits back in June as well. We love our extremes here in the heartland.
Regardless where you live and how your summer is faring, I am hoping that you are keeping cool and being blessed by this study about freedom in Christ. There’s so much to talk about and so much to learn.
This week’s topic got pretty personal for me, and it’ll probably get personal for you too. Because we’re at the place where we need to talk about what freedom MEANS. We’ve already talked about why we need freedom and what Jesus set us free from, but now we need to get honest about what freedom actually is.
Not generically. What does freedom mean to you personally?
Freedom is a dangerous responsibility, a double-edged privilege. It’s the only way to live, but if you don’t respect and understand it, it will eat you alive. And the concept of freedom is a huge irony in American culture right now.
For a culture that hates rules, we sure do make a lot of them. Have you noticed that? Generally our culture talks bad about rules and holds up rebels as heroes. But we are the first in line to sign up for new restrictions, new guidelines, and new laws (not trying to get political, but it’s a dichotomy I don’t understand).
Maybe we are trying to legislate morality. I don’t know. But the fact remains that the darker our culture gets, the more restrictions we have to place on ourselves in order to keep living. In my opinion, it’s because we don’t understand true freedom—and that being free means we must have a strong moral character.
Freedom means you get to choose which direction you are going to walk, but are you free from the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your choice? This is what we’re talking about this week.
July 17 - You could, but should you?
July 18 - You have a choice
July 19 - You don’t have to be a slave
July 20 - You can come to God
July 21 - You can learn the way to live free
For as simple as it is, freedom is a complicated concept, probably because people aren’t perfect, and we always find a way to corrupt the good things God has given us. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned about the idea of freedom over the years, it’s that in societies where freedom is limited, Jesus is limited.
Our enemy is all about control, and Jesus has none of that. He has no interest in controlling us; He wants to give us an abundant life. Our enemy promises us his counterfeit version of freedom in order to use us and control us. That’s what led me to our memory verse for the week, 2 Corinthians 3:17.
When you find a place that Jesus is living and active, you will also find freedom. Jesus brings freedom wherever He goes. He can’t help it. Don’t surrender control of your life to anyone other than Christ. Don’t give authority over your choices to anyone other than Him.
You are free, my friends, because Jesus set you free. So don’t go back to the old way you were living before.
Praying for each of you and love you all!
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