What are you grateful for?
November 21 - November 25, 2022 | Always Peachy Devotionals | Walking With Love Week 4
Are you ready for Thanksgiving?
I am. This week I’ll be headed out to the family farm to launch into cooking and baking. Turkey and potatoes and stuffing and pies and all sorts of delightful things. And then as soon as the feasting is done, we’ll be setting up the Christmas tree because… CHRISTMAS!!!
I’m only a little excited.
But this is a special week for more than one reason. This week, I’m opening the paywall on the devos, so all week long and even afterward, the devotionals from this week will be available to folks who haven’t subscribed. So that means you can share them. That means you can send people the links to the posts, and they’ll be able to read them whether they are already subscribed or not.
We’ll see how this goes. And if it’s something you guys enjoy and want more of, maybe we’ll do it more often next year.
Gratitude, man, it’s a challenge sometimes. I mean, generally speaking, I’m a pretty grateful person, but I can’t honestly tell you that I spend intentional time thanking God for the bad stuff that happens in life. And, frankly, I’m not exactly sure that’s what He means about being grateful in all circumstances anyway.
But that’s what we’re going to be talking about this week: What are you grateful for?
November 21 - For good things
November 22 - For bad things
November 23 - For what you have
November 24 - For what you don’t have
November 25 - For what you will have
I need these reminders. I need them in my own life because, well, life is hard. And discouraging. And too much. But at the core of everything we are living for in this life is LOVE. And that’s the theme of this month of study, because you can’t have gratitude if you don’t have love.
If you want to show love, you need to be grateful. If you want to receive love, you have to be grateful. The core of gratitude is love. So it may be a better question to ask “What do you love?” rather than “What are you grateful for?”
As we continue memorizing the Love Chapter, we’re moving on to a verse that’s a bit further down the passage, 1 Corinthians 13:8.
We all know those people in our lives who are able to understand and communicate truth and deep meaning. But if those people don’t have love, all of those deep things they say won’t mean anything. The truth those people speak only resonates in our hearts because they speak it in love.
Love is eternal, my friends. Hold on to it. Embrace it. Build on it. Share it. Speak it. You can’t change the world, but Love sure can.
I’m grateful for each and every one of you. Blessings to you all during this most beautiful time of year.
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