I was a freeloader for about a year. Back in 2019, I lived with some dear friends in the Atlanta area. It certainly wasn’t what I had planned to do in my life, but it was a tremendous experience. I’m so grateful for that time.
When I told them I was coming down, they asked me when I would get there. Not because they were being nosy or manipulative. They needed to get my room ready. When I arrived, I had a place in their home.
It didn’t happen automatically. They had to make room for me. That’s what I think of when I read this verse.
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”
John 14:1-3
Did you know that’s what Jesus is doing? He’s preparing a place for us to live, a space of our own in eternity.
I love being home. There’s something special about the familiar. Granted, I love to travel, but I’m a homebody. There’s little I like better than a fuzzy blanket, a hot cup of coffee, and a good book.
It’s hard to remember sometimes that this world isn’t home. It’s all we know, but it’s not where we belong. We weren’t made for this broken place. We were made for a different world.
But the good news is that we will get there. Home is waiting for us, and it’ll be better and more beautiful than anything we’ve every known here.
Until that day, we’re all just travelers on a narrow road. The day is coming soon where all of Jesus’ preparations will be done, and He’ll come back to get us.
He promised. So I believe. How about you?
Questions for Reflection:
When you think of “home,” what do you envision? What does “home” mean to you?
Let yourself dream for a moment. What do you think your home in heaven will be like?
What are you looking forward to the most about heaven?
Week 50 Memory Verse:
A home which belongs to us! A perfect place with no tears, no worries, no illness, no suffering, no death, all our needs provided, and constant praising and rejoicing without getting tired! I'm ready, LORD. I'm listening for that trumpet to blow any day now!
I led a funeral service for a friend this past weekend. I mentioned the word home, and shared that Heaven will be home in a deeper sense than we've ever known the word. I also shared about the word place... such a treasure. To have a place, means that we belong somewhere, that we have meaning and value, we are no longer outcasts, or imposters waiting to be found out. So good to know that in Christ, God prepares for us, and gives to us a place, made for us, where we belong, where we are finally, truly home. ❤