The Bible is a Promise God will keep
When you spend time in the Bible, it becomes clear very quickly that God makes a lot of promises to people.
Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true. (Joshua 21:45)
I love checklists. And journals. And checklists in journals. I’ve been into bullet journaling since 2017, and it has helped me keep myself organized in so many ways.
I had to have a customized system for my life because I kept double and triple booking myself. Being self-employed and running multiple businesses keeps you on your toes, let me tell you. And there was nothing that discouraged me more than promising someone I would meet with them and then having to cancel because I’d forgotten about an appointment.
I hate breaking promises, so my solution is to make them as rarely as possible. I don’t want anyone counting on my promises because I usually can’t deliver.
That’s not the case with God.
When you spend time in the Bible, it becomes clear very quickly that God makes a lot of promises to people. Frequently. And you know what is really amazing about all those promises He made?
He kept them.
Every promise. He followed through on every single one of them, no matter who that promise was made to. He promised blessings and delivered. He promised curses and delivered those too.
God made promises to Adam and Eve, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He made promises to Joseph, to Joshua, to Rahab, to David, to all the prophets. To Daniel. To Esther. To Ezekiel. To Isaiah and Jeremiah. To any number of heroes from the pages of Scripture. And God has kept them all.
But He also made promises to Simon Peter. To James and John. To the other disciples and to Paul. He made promises to them that they didn’t see fulfilled before they died. But does that mean He isn’t going to follow through?
Not at all.
He’s made promises to us too. He has promised to save us, to rescue us, to redeem and restore us. He has promised to come back for us. He has promised to take control of the world He created one day.
Those things haven’t happened yet, but because we know who God is and we know that we can trust His Word, we can have confidence that every promise He has made will be fulfilled. Because He always has.
Questions for Reflection
What is the most meaningful promise God has made to you in Scripture?
Why do the stories of promises fulfilled in the Old Testament matter so much for us who are living right now?
What is a promise God made you that hasn’t come true yet?
Weekly Memory Verse