R is for Repeat! (like Pete and Repeat sitting in a boat?)
January 30 - February 3, 2023 | Always Peachy Devotionals | P.R.A.Y. + R. Week 5
Happy last week of January!
What? How did we get here so quickly? Isn’t January supposed to be a slow month? It sure used to be when I was younger, but I guess as you get older everything goes faster—even the slow months!
So. How has January been? Are you guys hanging in there so far? What’s the most exciting thing you’ve learned about prayer in January? I have to say, reading John 15:16 hit different for me this year. To understand that God has given me a purpose to accomplish that that my prayers to Him are part of His supporting me in that purpose? I don’t know if I’d realized that before.
Have you had a favorite devotional this month?
We are finishing out our study on Prayer (or P.R.A.Y.+R. To use my poor, confusing acronym). We’ve already discussed Praise, Repent, Ask, and Yes, but now we have one more letter left: REPEAT.
Whenever I hear “repeat” I think of that silly old joke: Pete and Repeat were sitting in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left? (and then you just keep repeating until the person you’re talking to punches you in the face.)
Repetitive things aren’t exactly comforting. Frankly, they’re annoying. At the very best, they are tedious or menial. Granted, in some cases repetitive habits or recurring tasks can bring some amount of stability, but what about that person who nags you for the same thing over and over again?
I have always been terrified of being called a nag, so it’s very rare that I ask you for the same thing twice. If I ask once and you don’t deliver, I’ll find a way to work without it.
But is that how we’re supposed to PRAY? Does God really expect us to ask Him once for something? Or are we supposed to be persistent?
This last week of January, and beginning of February, we’re tackling R is for Repeat:
January 30 - Always pray and never give up (Luke 18:1)
January 31 - All times and on every occasion (Ephesians 6:18)
February 1 - Be alert and thankful (Colossians 4:2)
February 2 - Pray for Strength continually (1 Chronicles 6:11)
February 3 - Keep on keeping on (Matthew 7:7)
This is going to be a great study, and I can’t wait to dive in first thing tomorrow.
We are also finishing up our memorization of the Lord’s Prayer with the final verse, Matthew 6:13.
I love that God invites us as part of His template for prayer to ask for protection. To keep us away from the things that cause us to stumble and to keep us safe from the spiritual forces that are trying to drag us down. How often do we actually pray for that? I certainly don’t ask for that as often as I should.
Spiritual warfare is real, and this is another reminder that we don’t have the power to fight our enemy on our own. But God does.
Let’s let God fight our battles for us.
Praying (persistently) for all of you.
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