P is for Praise (no, I didn't forget how to spell PRAYER)
January 2 - January 6, 2023 | Always Peachy Devotionals | P.R.A.Y. + R. Week 1
Happy New Year!!
Welcome to 2023, my friends! Are you ready for all the amazing things God has planned for you? Because He’s got plans, you know. Good plans. Plans that He has seen with His eyes and worked out all the details on (Jeremiah 29:11).
No matter what 2023 brings, God will be glorified, and He will keep all His promises. What are you looking forward to most this year?
I am so excited to jump into our first study of 2023. There are always so many options to choose from, but this is one that really resonated with me toward the end of 2022. And, admittedly, I’m borrowing part of my acronym from one of my favorite Bible teachers, Priscilla Shirer.
I’ve got to tell you, if you haven’t read Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer, get on it. And I know it says “woman” but it’s just as relevant for men as well.
Our focus for January is PRAYER. But you may have noticed that I’m spelling it a little different: P.R.A.Y. + R.
I don’t usually go for acronyms, but they are useful at times. And what these letters stand for is a powerful strategy for how to pray.
P is for Praise
R is for Repent
A is for Ask
Y is for Yes
+R is for Repeat
That last R is mine, and the rest belong to Priscilla (honestly, read Fervent, and it will revolutionize your prayer life). But we are going to spend January talking about the elements of this strategic formula for prayer. What it means, what it looks like practically, and how we can integrate each one of those elements into our lives.
The first letter is P for Praise!
January 2 - Praise God for His wisdom
January 3 - Praise God for His power
January 4 - Praise God for His protection
January 5 - Praise God for His miracles
January 6 - Praise God because He’s worthy
Then, for our memory verse this month, we’re going to grab a whole passage out of the book of Matthew. We are going to memorize the Lord’s Prayer, not because it’s something we’re supposed to recite word for word but because it’s a fantastic reminder of this strategic prayer formula. We’ll start with Matthew 6:9.
Guys, I love prayer. It’s such a powerful tool, and we need to be praying more than ever now. So don’t be afraid of it. Don’t be intimidated by it. And don’t believe for one instant that you aren’t “good” at it.
My prayer for this month is that each and every one of us will feel empowered to have regular conversations with God. And that by the end of the month, each of us will have seen some prayers answered—maybe even some prayers we thought we’d never see.
I’m so excited to do another year of following Jesus with all of you! Let’s do this!
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