Joy is a superpower!
December 12 - December 16, 2022 | Always Peachy Devotionals | Walking With Joy Week 2
We’re halfway through December!
Almost. This week we will be. Isn’t that wild? What is it about the last half of the year that makes it go so much faster than the first half?
I’ve heard it said that fear is a superpower. Scientifically, that could be true I guess. People fueled by adrenaline have done some pretty extraordinary things. But when you think a little deeper about that statement, it really means you’re relying on your fear to get you out of a sticky situation.
When danger comes at you, you’re depending on the burst of energy that your fear will provide you in order to escape. Now, that’s not to say you shouldn’t feel fear when you’re in danger. Fear is a natural response to scary things (and boy, oh boy, there are some scary things in life). But depending on your fear to make you stronger is a bad idea, because fear will always let you down. Fear will lie to you. Fear will lead you down paths you don’t want to walk.
As I was studying this week, however, I realized that we have a greater power than fear. We have JOY. I’ve never considered joy to be a superpower, but think about it. Joy is the key to overcoming a lot of the struggles we face in life. Like we talked about last week, joy isn’t living in denial or pretending that life is fine when it’s not. But joy IS believing that God has a plan and that He’s working our lives out.
So this week, we’re going to talk about all the superpowers we have when we rely on God’s joy to give us strength rather than our own fear!
December 12 - Joy makes us strong
December 13 - Joy makes us wealthy
December 14 - Joy makes us eloquent
December 15 - Joy makes us focus
December 16 - Joy makes us generous
This week’s memory verse is one I love dearly. It’s a simple verse, and it’s really all about how to live your life for Jesus in spite of feeling afraid. This week’s verse is Psalm 94:19.
Nobody gets out of this life without experiencing doubts. We all have fears. Sometimes they’re overwhelming. But God offers us comfort, through His Word and through His Holy Spirit, to remind us that He hasn’t left us. There’s nothing quite like allowing yourself to be comforted by God Himself.
So even if you’re full of doubt today, take comfort in knowing that God is big enough for your doubts. He’s great enough to manage your fears. If He weren’t, He wouldn’t be God.
Praying for you all this week!