How do you build resilience into your life?
May 22 - May 26, 2023 | Always Peachy Devotionals | Bouncing Back Week 4
Welcome to the last full week of May!
Isn’t that incredible? The year is nearly half over! I feel like we were just in January, and now next week is June. It’s crazy.
I hope you all are taking care of yourself and that this study of how to bounce back has been an encouragement to you. It has challenged me every step of the way, believe me. Maybe one of these days I’ll be able to share some of the craziness of my own life, but let me assure you that I am having to walk each and every one of these precepts on a regular basis.
I was complaining to a friend the other day that I felt like a hypocrite writing about resilience when I’m dragging myself out of bed every morning. She, very wisely, pointed out to me that I’m not a hypocrite; it just means that I’m practicing what I preach.
I’ll take that.
So far, we’ve gone over what resilience looks like and why it matters, and last week we focused on some heroes out of the Bible who made resilient choices in their lives. And that’s all well and good and inspirational, right? But how does that help us? How does any of this help us if we don’t know how to make it work in our own lives?
So this week is where the rubber meets the road. This week we are going to talk about how you build resilience into your life:
May 22 - Let yourself fail
May 23 - Think about how you think
May 24 - Understand your habits
May 25 - Don’t let your feelings drive
May 26 - Don’t divide your focus
It’s so important to have a healthy perspective on failure and falling short. I’m a recovering perfectionist. I want to do everything right all the time, and when I don’t get everything in my life exactly right I have a tendency to beat myself up. And that’s not healthy or helpful, and it’s not how God wants us to see ourselves.
God remembers that we’re dust. He remembers that we will fall short of His glorious expectations. That’s why He gave us Jesus, who lived the life we couldn’t live so He could pay the price for our sins. What a wonderful God we serve!
And that sentiment is what led me to today’s memory verse, Psalm 73:26.
God is our everything. Even when we grow weak, even when we fall on our faces, even when we aren’t what we’re supposed to be, He is the source of our strength. He can give us the power to do great and mighty things in His name. And it’s in Him that we find our power.
Let’s never forget that. Let’s never take that for granted. And let’s never stop asking God for help, because without Him, this life wouldn’t have any meaning or purpose.
I love you all so much. Please know that I am praying for you. I also wanted to let you know that by the end of this week I will be on the road to the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writing Conference in North Carolina, so if you think about it, please send up a prayer for safety!
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