How can I make the most of my waiting?
April 17 - April 21, 2023 | Always Peachy Devotionals | Waiting Well Week 3
April is officially halfway over!
I don’t know how we got here. My crazy conference season gears up in a month, and I’m not anywhere close to being ready.
Part of the reason I felt led to do this series on waiting is that I am not in a season of waiting at the moment. I can look back on my life a few months ago, and I absolutely was in a place where God was telling me to hold my horses.
Now? Yikes. I’ve been running like a crazy person since December. And it’s taking everything I’ve got to make enough space to rest and take care of myself (I’m usually only successful part of the time tbh).
Time FLIES, you guys. And if you aren’t intentional with it, you’ll wake up one day and realize how much you’ve lost. So if you are in a season of waiting, it’s so important to make the most of it.
Everybody has to wait at some point in their lives. That’s just the facts. Maybe you’re waiting for someone else to choose a direction. Maybe you’re waiting for a health crisis to be over. Maybe you’re waiting for a financial crisis to pass.
Whatever you’re waiting on, rest assured you aren’t the only person who has had to wait for something, and—just being honest—this won’t be the last time you have to wait.
So while you’re waiting, what do you do? Do you just sit around and binge Netflix? (Spoiler Alert: No.)
There are strategies you can put in place to help you identify wise, healthy choices for your life during a season of waiting. If you truly believe that God doesn’t make mistakes, then you have to believe that this season of waiting isn’t an accident.
So what are they? How can we benefit from our waiting season? That’s what we’re talking about this week:
April 17 - Get directions
April 18 - Get advice
April 19 - Get busy
April 20 - Get aware
April 21 - Get ready
There is so much more to waiting than doing nothing. Don’t give in to the cultural definition of waiting, which is fraught with selfishness and laziness. No, that’s not why God instructs us to wait. Waiting is always intentional, and God always has something for us to learn when He asks us to wait on Him. We just have to be willing to obey.
Because God is who He says He is, we can trust His Word. We can have confidence in everything He tells us, and that’s why we can stand on Psalm 27:13-14, our memory verse for this week:
God has good things for us. He has amazing plans for our lives. When He asks us to wait, He’s also asking us to be brave. Waiting can be terrifying because it makes us realize how little control we actually have in life. But if we can hold on to the truth of who God is, we can be patient a little while longer.
We can be patient because God is good, and He wants good things for us. He will only ever withhold something good from us in order to give us something better.
Be confident. You may be in a season of waiting, but that doesn’t mean you won’t experience God’s goodness while you wait. Honestly, if you’re waiting on God, experiencing His goodness is pretty much guaranteed.
Praying for each of you as you wait patiently on our good God.
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Sounds like a fantastic topic! I "can't wait" to get started! 🙂