He is Mighty and Powerful
October 30 - November 3, 2023 | Always Peachy Devotionals | The Names of God Week 1
What’s in a name?
Names are a vitally important part of every culture in the world. Names are the identifiers that those around us use when they want to communicate to us or about us. Names have their own meanings based on language and culture, of course, but I’ve found that a person’s name becomes who they are.
When I think of my best friend’s name, I don’t think of what her name means. I think of her. Who she is. Our history together. My deep love and respect and admiration for her. To me, her name defines her.
Names matter. And no name matters more in the history of all names than God’s name. The Bible tells us that one day soon every knee will bow and recognize God’s name as the only name that leads to salvation. But even more than our salvation, God’s name has meaning in our everyday lives.
God has a lot of names, and they all have different nuances for the different ages and eras and cultures and peoples who have spoken His names. But each one of God’s names is God. It’s who He is. It’s how we know Him. And it’s how He wants us to know Him.
So for the month of November, that’s what we are going to study here: The Names of God. Each one of God’s names should mean something to us as His children. Now, we can’t go over all of His names. There are too many, but I’ve pulled out several that are truly powerful and deeply meaningful.
This week, we’re going to focus on the names of God that identify Him as Mighty and Powerful.
Oct 30 - YHVH, The Self-Existing One (Exodus 3:14)
Oct 31 - Elohim, God of Power and Might (Genesis 1:1)
Nov 1 - Jehovah Bara, The Creator (Isaiah 40:28)
Nov 2 - El Olam, Everlasting God (Genesis 21:33, Isaiah 40:28-31)
Nov 3 - El Shaddai, Lord God Almighty (Genesis 17:1)
I’ve been so eager to do a study like this. Names have such power, and I love studying identity so much, it just makes sense to really dig into God’s names to find out what He wants us to know about Him through His names.
And since we’re talking about what we call God, well, the first thought of a verse to memorize this week was Revelation 1:8.
Think about being able to say this about yourself! God is the One who Began Everything, and He is the One who will End Everything. He is eternal. He is everlasting. He doesn’t change. And He can do anything.
That’s our God, y’all. That’s who He is. I’m excited to spend this week and this month getting to know God better through His names.
Love you guys!
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