God's Promise Is Your Anchor
Life will try to sweep you away unless you can hold on to something solid.
I live in a land-locked state in a city that is inordinately proud of our river. The Arkansas.
No, not like the state. The state is AR-kan-saw; the river is ar-KAN-sas. It’s an important distinction. You can always tell the locals by how they pronounce it.
The Arkansas is much deeper than it looks, so you can’t always judge how quickly the current is moving. If you don’t tie your boat down or anchor it properly, the river will sweep your boat away.
It’s not wise to have a boat without an anchor. Otherwise the river’s current will determine your speed and your destination.
Life has a current too, you know. Every day, life pulls at us, trying to get us to go with the flow of the world around us. And that’s okay. It’s good to live in the world. But what happens when going with the flow means disobeying God’s Word? What happens when living in the world means compromising your beliefs?
If you want to stand up against a river’s current, you need an anchor. And that’s exactly what hope allows us to do.
This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.
Hebrews 6:19
What hope is this verse talking about? Well, look back at verse 18 for more context. The hope in this verse is the confidence we have in what God has promised. God has given both His promise and His oath, and God doesn’t lie. That’s how we can be sure. That’s how we can stand against the powerful pull of the current of life. That’s how we can stand firm and live in obedience because we know that God will help us.
When the waters of life are trying to sweep you away, put down your anchor. Let God’s Word be where you stand. It won’t be easy. You’ll probably get wet. But no matter how hard the waters rage around you, with God’s promise as your anchor, you won’t budge.
Questions for Reflection:
When was the last time you felt overwhelmed? Or like the current of life would sweep you away?
How can a Bible verse help you stand up against the desires to do wrong?
How is one practical way you can integrate Bible reading into your life right now? If you’re already doing it, tell us in the comments!
Week 49 Memory Verse:
My anchor holds - and grips the solid rock! Amen!
Great reminder, Amy! Powerfully true. I'm currently staying in the Word by using a wide-margin Bible that my daughter gave me a few Christmases ago. I love having room on the page to write my thoughts and impressions!