God will be your foundation
What you build on has to be the one thing in your life that won’t change, that won’t be different from one year to the next.
But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought! (Job 19:25-27)
We are in the fall season officially. Next week is October, which is hard to believe (especially since I’m writing this in the veritable Oven of Hades that is a Kansas August). I’m thankful for our seasons, how they change and shift. They keep life interesting, that’s for sure. I’m thankful for the passage of time, because it reminds me to never take any moment for granted. It won’t ever come again.
But with our changing seasons and shifting times, it does make it difficult to set goals, to plan for the future, because you never know what will happen tomorrow. None of us are even guaranteed tomorrow, let alone next week or even next year.
But there are some things we can count on. There are some truths we can build on. That’s why having a foundation you can trust is so important, because if you build on something that’s not solid, your whole structure will collapse when the winds of change inevitably beat against it.
So what are you building on? What foundation are you using for your future plans? It can’t be your job or your financial security; none of that is certain. It can’t be your family or your relationships; those are all things you can lose, no matter how hard it is to admit it.
What you build on has to be the one thing in your life that won’t change, that won’t be different from one year to the next. And there’s only one Person who fits that description: Jesus.
If you aren’t building your life on God’s promises, the next fierce wind is going to tear everything you’ve made down. Maybe it already has. But it’s never too late to start building again.
Job lost everything. His family. His possessions. His friends. His wealth and status. Even his health. Yet at the end of all of it, his declaration stands to this day: I believe in God. He will come back for me. And I will meet Him face to face.
Can you say that? Can I say that? And mean it? That if I were to lose everything I’ve built, everything I’ve accomplished, everyone I love—can I say that I’d respond that way? Is my faith that strong?
I hope it is. Lord willing, I won’t have to find out. But regardless if my faith is enough, I know God’s faithfulness is.
We can trust Him. He has never abandoned us. Not once. It may feel lonely at times. Life will always feel like a struggle because we don’t truly belong in this world. But Jesus promised He’d be back for us, and because He always keeps His promises, I’d keep my eyes on the eastern sky if I were you.
I trust God. He’s coming back for me. And on that day, I’ll get to meet Him face to face, and I’ll get to thank Him for always being faithful to me.
Questions for Reflection
What makes it hard to keep trusting God when life goes wrong?
What element of Job’s story resonates most with you?
What ways has God been faithful to you that you’d like to acknowledge Him for?
Weekly Memory Verse