God is Good
God is Holy. God is Mighty. God is Righteous. God is entirely OTHER. But let's never forget that He is also very, very Good.
The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. (Nahum 1:7)
God is so big. Have you ever just taken a moment to sit and think and marvel at how HUGE He is? How powerful He is?
If I’m not careful, I can let His God-ness overwhelm me and intimidate me and terrify me. And, to be honest, that’s not a bad place to be. We should never forget how mighty He is. We should never take for granted how Holy He is.
But at the same time, let’s not forget how good He is.
Can you imagine what our lives and our world would be like if God weren’t good?
Because He is mighty and holy and awesome and all-powerful and all-knowing and everywhere all at once. He knows what you’re thinking right now and what you’re going to think before you think it. Just like He knows what you’re going to do before you do it. And He knows how you’re going to fail before you even try.
He is righteous. He is perfect. He is entirely Other. Our puny little human minds are insignificant and finite in comparison to His enormity. We can’t even stand in His presence as we are now. We would die, be vaporized, obliterated by His sheer glorious power.
And even beyond all of that, God is Sovereign. That means He has the right to do whatever He wants with what He has made. And since He made everything, He is in authority over all creation—all the universe, all the worlds, all of us.
He could smash us. Snap us out of existence. And He would be completely justified because He has the authority to do it.
But He is good. He is compassionate. He is merciful and full of love that never fails. When we are afraid, He is our safe place. When we feel alone, He is our Friend. When we are lost, He finds us.
And so even though He could crush us for our imperfections and rebellion and foolishness, He doesn’t. He crushed His Son instead—for us. So that we could have a choice of where to spend eternity.
Yes. Let’s never lose sight of His power and His authority and His Other-ness. But, my friends, let’s also not forget how very, very good He is.
He chose you to be saved. Will you choose Him?
Questions for Reflection
What (if any) experiences in your life have led you to believe that God is good?
Why do you think it’s a difficult thing to balance understanding that God is both sovereign and good?
How different would your life truly be if you had never experienced God’s goodness?
Weekly Memory Verse