Examples of Worship from the Bible
May 23 - May 27, 2022 | Always Peachy Devotionals | Worship Week 4
Happy Sunday, friends!
I hope you are having a joyous weekend. If you attend church on a regular basis, I hope you were able to see people you love and maybe make some new friends.
If you don’t have a church home, let me please encourage you to find one. It’s truly a challenge to follow Jesus when you aren’t plugged into a faith community. I totally get that it’s hard to find the place where you fit, but don’t give up. Keep looking. I wouldn’t be who I am without my faith family.
I pray that our study of worship this month has been useful or encouraging to you. It has really made me think about a lot of things.
Has studying worship as a concept made a difference in how you perceive hymns or other songs in church? What about in the way you live your daily life?
We’re going to keep talking about worship this week, because we have barely scratched the surface. We’ve talked about what it is, what we need to do it right, and how it changes our perspective. But you guys know I like practical examples. So this week we’re going to talk about some examples of worship.
After all, what good is talking about a theory if we don’t have a blueprint to guide us through how to make it happen? So here are the examples we’re going to be talking about this week:
May 23 - David, the Songwriter
May 24 - The Tabernacle Builders
May 25 - The Good Samaritan
May 26 - The Widow of Zarephath
May 27 - Rocks (not THE Rock, just rocks)
And, of course, our memory verse for the week is going to come out of Psalms. Why not? But this is one of my favorites. It’s Psalm 103:2.
The Psalms are always full of emotion and meaning, but what I love about this verse in particular is the focus on the whole “all that I am” part of it. Let’s never forget that God made all of us. Worship is so much more than just singing. We can worship God with everything we are.
And that’s just pretty awesome. Don’t you think?
I pray that you have a glorious week, my friends, and that God makes Himself know to you in a way you can’t ignore.
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