Don't let life make you forget who God is
If we aren’t intentional in what we choose to remember, the most important moments will be left behind.
But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren. (Deuteronomy 4:9)
When I was little, my cousin and I would run around in her grandmother’s Arkansas yard with glass jars, chasing fireflies. We caught several, and I’ll always remember the thrill of watching them light up in my hands.
As we get older, and the more life we life, it can become a challenge to hold on to memories that matter. The more days we have behind us, the easier it is to forget what came before. And if we aren’t intentional in what we choose to remember, the most important moments will be left behind. This is one reason why journaling is an essential tool. If you make time to record the events of your life, not only will it help you remember, but you’ll have a record for other people to remember as well.
So what are the important moments you want to remember? Do you want to remember happy times and productive times? Do you want to remember good work meetings or vacations? I’m sure there is a valid reason for any of those things. So what about moments of God’s provision? What about moments where God came through for you when it felt like He wasn’t listening?
This is what the Sabbath is, friends. It’s a day to sit and remember who God is and that He has never failed us.
It’s so easy to let all the madness of life steal our joy. The sorrow and the loss we experience (sometimes daily) can convince us that God has abandoned us or forgotten us, and life can hurt so much that it feels true.
Making space for Sabbath rest is your opportunity to remind yourself, at least once a week who God is. Spend time with Him. Sit with Him. Talk with Him.
Hold on to the memories of what He has done for you, and you will never forget who He is.
Questions for Reflection
When is a time where God took care of you?
How are some ways you can record the memories of how God has provided for you or your family?
What are some ways you can pass on the history of how God has taken care of you to others?
Weekly Memory Verse
Yes! Remembering, with thanksgiving, stirs such joy and assurance! Amen!