Bouncing back when you need encouragement
Being resilient doesn’t mean you’re always okay. No one is always okay.
Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you. (2 Timothy 1:13-14)
Have you ever been told you’re too young? Or too old? Has someone ever told you that you can’t do something because you’re not talented enough or not qualified enough or not good enough? They spend time pointing out all your flaws and reinforcing why your dreams will fail and why you shouldn’t even try.
And I’m not talking about someone who is pointing out genuine facts. Let’s just be honest here, guys. I was never going to be a mathematician. I wasn’t designed for that, so if I had tried to pursue that as a career, someone pointing out my lack of qualifications would have been a blessing.
I’m talking about when you are pursuing something you KNOW is your calling. There will always be detractors around you. Some mean well. Others don’t. But many people believe that simply having an opinion gives them the right to speak into your life and tell you what you should do.
I’m positive that Pastor Timothy endured all sorts of “helpful advice” when he took over the leadership of the church at Ephesus. He was young, and Ephesus was a wreck. But Timothy had a secret weapon: Paul. Paul was Timothy’s mentor and friend, but even more than that, Paul was his encourager.
Life is full of challenges, and some are harder to deal with than others. And in those moments when you feel discouraged, that doesn’t mean you lack resilience. It just means you need a cheerleader.
Being resilient doesn’t mean you’re always okay. No one is always okay. Everybody needs a friend to come alongside them and help them back on their feet when they’ve stubbed their toe. Paul did that for Timothy.
Maybe you’re that person for someone else, but who is that person for you? Don’t beat yourself up when you need help. Needing help is human after all. Let someone who loves you help. Let someone who cares about you invest in you.
Be encouraged. You’re not alone.
Questions for Reflection
Who are the people in your life who encourage you in times of darkness and doubt?
If you don’t have someone like that in your life, where is someplace you can go to find a relationship like that?
What are the barriers in your life that are preventing you from accepting love and encouragement from someone else?
Weekly Memory Verse