What Is Always Peachy Devotionals?

What do you think of when someone tells you he or she is “peachy”? It’s usually sarcastic, right? It usually means that they’re not peachy at all.

“Peachy” has a different meaning to me. It was a phrase my youth pastor used to say all the time whenever we’d ask him how he was. He was “peachy” and he meant it. It caught on in our youth department, and pretty soon it became the standard answer to “How are you?” … “Hey, I’m peachy!”

Silly, isn’t it?

But it meant a great deal to me as a teenager, and it taught me a lesson about life. How we face life and how we manage the multitude of challenges we face every day has a lot to do with our attitudes. And, no matter what mountain of trouble we have to climb, we can still choose how we respond to it. Even if we can change our feelings, we can still choose our attitudes.

When I started writing these daily devotions in 2011, it was out of a desire to change my attitude. I had started a new job, and I was stressed beyond belief. I had more responsibilities and struggles than I’d ever experienced before, and I was just—sour about it. I didn’t want to be that way. So I started spending my mornings writing a devotional blog post just for me, but—well, as these things do, they get out. People started reading them, sharing them, using them. And the rest is history.

So … if you’re facing trouble in your life and you’d like to start taking steps to change your attitude, let me invite you to travel with me.

Come join the fun. Spend a little time with Jesus every morning (like 5 minutes, seriously), and you’ll be surprised how it improves your day.

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Amy (A.C.) Williams is an award-winning author, publisher, and book coach with 20 books in fiction and non-fiction. She writes for two Writer’s Digest’s Top 101 blogs for authors and was recognized as the 2022 Arise Daily Writer of the Year.